Now, I had to put this pic up! Vash doesn't look like a harden criminal, now does he? Vash is from Trigun. Anyway, Vash has to be one of mine and M-sama's favorite person on Trigun. Come on! Just look at this pic of him! He's like a ditzy guy who knows how to fight. Kinda like Goku, but I got to say that Vash is better than Goku. Sorry to any Goku fans. And this is why I picked this pic for Favorite Pic for the month of May!
I just love this pic! --Sorry about no March pic and April's late, but hey! Better late than never, right?-- Especially the little Sangos beating Miroku up! I smile everytime I see this pic. That's why this is April's Favorite Pic of the Month!
This is the most cutest Goku pic I have ever seen! Come on! You just gotta love him in a suit. And he looks so happy to be taking it off! Yummy! This is why he's my Fave Pic of the Month of Febraury!